петък, 10 юни 2011 г.

Vitamin T Supplement and Dietary Supplement Facts

Vitamin T Supplement and Dietary Supplement Facts

Vitamin T Supplement and Dietary Supplement Facts

Vitamin T is the penultimate article in the alphabet of vitamins. Proven beneficial properties of vitamin T are related to supporting the formation of white blood cells in the body and blood coagulation or blood clotting and the formation of platelets. The major known sources of Vitamin T are the eggs and yolks in particular, and sesame.
Vitamin T
Vitamin T

Vitamin T is rare today, science has not particularly extensive information on properties, application and benefits.

Vitamin T is water soluble and is destroyed by alcohol. It is also known as torulitin (torulitine).

Although classified as a vitamin, it does not fully meet the definition of this and many Vitamin T is not actually the case. Often people with this name of slang called tequila or testosterone. There is even a Mexican diet Vitamin T to include in your diet Tacos, Tortas and Tortilyas (large sandwiches).

According to the definition of vitamin, it is defined as a nutrient that in small doses, it is important for the regulation of metabolism in the body. Vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K fully meet this definition, while vitamin T remains questionable, and does not fit this criterion.Most manufacturers of nutritional supplements do not even include informal in their listings and consequently vitamin T can not be found on the market.

The main sources of Vitamin T:

The main sources of Vitamin T are yolks, sesame seeds, sesame seeds, sesame paste and tahanat. Is sometimes called Sesame Seed Factor. According to some studies a good source of vitamin T is the pumpkin. Vitamin T was found in some quantities in the epidermis of some insects and fermenting yeast.

Vitamin T Daily doses

Since Vitamin T is actually recognized as an important vitamin and health supplement to many medical professionals standing difficult task to determine the recommended daily intake, even for those who want to include in your diet. All vitamins have the recommended daily dose or can take them to agree to any organism, diet, diet.

In this line of thinking to specialists standing daunting task to determine the levels of an overdose of Vitamin T and at what doses it would be toxic. There is no definite answer whether vitamin T should be consumed regularly and in what quantities. You can only assume that regular alcohol consumption is a prerequisite for T Vitamin deficiency in the body.

Vitamin T useful properties

Experts say vitamin T is the only vitamin that regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the body. It helps produce red blood cells and proper functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin T regulates metabolism of homo-cytosine and solves problems related to skin pigmentation. You could say that Vitamin T gives the body the necessary energy to perform normal daily activity.

Actually it helps to convert ingested food into energy released from the body. Vitamin T has the ability to protect the nervous system and gives energy and our brains. One of the most important functions of Vitamin T is associated with the breakdown of carbohydrates, which release energy in the body.

It is thought to improve memory and concentration.

Regular consumption of products containing vitamin T as pumpkin, tahini, sesame, positively affect overall health of a person, not prerequisites for the development of diseases. In promoting blood coagulation and the formation of white blood cells in the body Vitamin T appears particularly important for the prevention of certain forms of anemia and hemophilia.

According to some dieticians Vitamin T is invaluable because it stops gain. Eating as regular pumpkin, one can allow the body to easily digested a heavy meal. This in turn stops weight gain and prevents obesity.

A true vitamin is generally defined as a nutrient that, in small doses, is important to regulating metabolism in the body. A, B, C, D, E and K vitamins all fit this definition. In the case of Vitamin T, however, there is no consensus that the substance meets this criterion. Most resources do not include Vitamin T, even informally, in their listings of vitamins.

Nothing is known yet about the toxic nature of Vitamin T.

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