сряда, 31 август 2011 г.

Have a Healthy Diet in Pregnancy

Have a Healthy Diet in Pregnancy

Your health during pregnancy

Good nutrition during pregnancy, and enough of it, is very important for your baby to grow and develop. You should consume about 300 more calories per day than you did before you became pregnant.

You don’t need to go on a special diet, but it’s important to eat a variety of different foods every day in order to get the right balance of nutrients that you and your baby need. You should also avoid certain foods in pregnancy – see below Foods to Avoid during Pregnancy.

Fruit and vegetables

During pregnancy you will feel different things in your life. You will feel and require more than nutritional needs when you are not pregnant. This requirement can you get naturally from fruits andvegetables from around you.

As often as possible, try to eat seven or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day – three servings of fruit and four of vegetables.

Buy pre-cut, pre-washed fruits and vegetables. If you are eating less veggies and fruits because preparation is a hassle, this approach will help you rise above the challenge.

If you don’t like eating vegetables, “drink” them in soups or shred them into your favorite dishes. Good choices include broccoli and cheese soup, butternut squash soup, ginger and carrot soup, tomato soup, and roasted vegetable soups.

Add fresh fruit to your yogurt. Fruit parfaits are a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth and get both calcium and fruit servings. Toss together slices of fresh bananas, strawberries, and pineapples.

Simple Dairy-Free Menus

Simple Dairy-Free Menus

Improve your health, lifestyle and diet nutrition with Dairy-Free Diet.

Planning your milk-free meals ahead of time can help make the transition to a dairy-free lifestyle that much easier. When you plan your menus, look for ways to add dairy-free variations in flavor, texture, color, and food temperature (hot and cold) to each meal.

вторник, 30 август 2011 г.

Investing In The Right Education

In the face of lagging job figures, many Americans have started to become more open to other opportunities. This has been an essential part at surviving in an economy that has seen a reduction in jobs in many sectors that were once lucrative opportunities. Education has been a primary factor in helping people make a transition from a career with few options to areas of the market where employment is far easier to come by.

Mechanical Engineering Jobs

Mechanical Engineering Jobs

One of the unfortunate realities of the market today is that production jobs are easily outsourced to other parts of the world where labor and materials are cheaper and easier to come by. America simply isn’t competitive in low-cost products and services. This is why a more concentrated approach to education is necessary to improve the standards and options to the country.
If you’re trying to find a job right now, and you’re thinking about going back to school, you obviously don’t want to get involved with real estate or brokerage right now. This industry has seen massive reduction in sales and services. On the same note, many construction workers are finding themselves out of work because new buildings aren’t being built. This is because the country already has a surplus of inventory that it can’t get rid of. When picking a field to get involved with, you have to consider the long-term growth of the country and target the areas and fields that will be essential in the coming years.

Investing In The Right Education

The medical industry is always going to be an in-demand market. This is due to rising population levels, aging populace, and a diversification of health services. You can get into many areas of the medical field like nursing, medical billing and coding, or physician training. This is a profession of the future that has long-term stability and promises expansion on most every front.
Buildings aren’t being built right now at the levels that we’ve seen in the past, but, regardless of how much construction is going on at any given time, the industry will always need support and maintenance of our country’s vast infrastructure. That’s why engineering fields are one area that shows great promise. We still need people in electrical engineering jobs to fix and install and maintain the network of wiring and electrical work that we’ve all become so dependent on. Many mechanical engineering jobs have also shown to be essential in the design of the products and engines of the future.
When you’re thinking about your employment options, you have to first consider education fields that are an investment. Think about getting into fields that will be needed in the future, as well as the present. This is the best way you can establish a firm employment future where you won’t have to worry about a fluctuating economy and ever again become a victim of a downturn in the job market.

Investing In The Right Education - The Smart Money Investing

неделя, 21 август 2011 г.

Lower Your Blood Pressure and Cholesterol With Natural Foods

High blood pressure – what we can do to defeat it without drugs and surgery.

One way to combat high blood pressure is water, as odd as it sounds. High blood pressure very often is caused by chronic dehydration. A good advice is to drink more water and thus prevent dehydration of the body and reduce high blood pressure without any side effects.

This is the first thing you can do. Second, you should concentrate on the next important step – avoid salt and sodium. It has been shown that high levels of sodium in the body cause high blood pressure.

unhealthy food

High Blood Pressure

A good advice – never eat foods containing simple sodium or sodium chloride (salt Produces).

Sodium chloride is not a real salt. If you decide to eat your dish with salt – better choose sea salt. This is a real salt of the ocean, completely natural product. It has a richer structure in comparison with sodium chloride, and also it has a better influence on your body.

An important step in avoiding high blood pressure is avoiding restaurants, especially the cheaper ones. In most restaurants the food offered is saturated with salt and very often they use for cooking semi-manufactured foods. And the most important thing is eating mainly natural foods.

Now let’s pay attention to healthy cholesterol levels. One of the most important and essential things you need to do for achieving good cholesterol levels primarily to avoid hydrogenated oils. These are artificial fats that are made in laboratories for the convenience of manufactured food. They have no place in the human body, but unfortunately in most of the grocery stores almost all the snacks and breakfasts or preparations contain hydrogenated fats. For example, margarine is made from hydrogenated fats, although the label says the opposite. Hydrogenated fats are the most toxic products that we can put in our body.

The next step is to avoid eating fried foods. Fried foods should be completely excluded from our diet. And if you have already given up red meat and dairy products, giving up fried foods would be a very easy step for you. Fried foods are incompatible with your health, and even if you have some fried food once a week, this will mean that you will have a cholesterol problem.

There are many delicious recipes for preparing fresh food. Fresh vegetables are much more delicious and healthy than the cooked ones. And if you want to prepare them as a garnish, then you can at least roast or boil them with some herbs that would bring the so wanted taste.

In addition, to fight against high cholesterol levels you can try eating garlic.

It is very useful for the health of the body and lowers cholesterol levels. Garlic is also recommended for many other symptoms. For example, it is an excellent tool for fighting cancer, but also a wonderful product, acting positively on the immune system of the body.

Lower Your Blood Pressure and Cholesterol With Natural Foods

събота, 20 август 2011 г.

Get Slimmer for a Day – Here is the Way!

Get Slimmer for a Day – Here is the Way!

Sat, Aug 20, 2011

Healthy Diet

Fasting days are not only necessary for weight maintenance, but also for cleansing. They certainly do not mean you should starve. There are many tasty products which can be eaten during those days. There is no doubt that one of the most favorable seasons for these purposes, however, is summer.

Summer is a period known for the variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. The warm weather also has a very beneficial influence because the heat makes most of the people avoid eating heavy meals.

Here are some suggestions for this type of days that will help you keep your perfect shape.

Proteins – lean meat and fish (boiled or steamed) are recommended. Proteins can also have a plant origin – such as beans. You can have tomatoes, cucumbers or cabbage without spices and sauces together with the meat. During the fasting day you should not go without food, you can eat in every 4-5 hours.

Watermelon – it is one of the most pleasant days for cleansing. Buy a watermelon around 4-5 kg ??and eat throughout the day. This fasting day is good for the kidneys and liver.

Carrots – Grate a fresh carrot, mix it with honey, lemon juice and stir it up. Eat this salad for breakfast, lunch and dinner. This fasting day must be made no more than once a month.

Apples – buy 1,5 kg of apples and eat it throughout the day. You may drink liquids as you want.

Bananas – buy 1 kg of bananas and divide it equally for 3 meals.

Cottage Cheese – you have to buy cottage cheese (but no more than 600g), milk and cream (100 g). You mixed the first two products up and divide the mixture into 5 equal shares, which are taken during the day with milk. Drink plenty of water. This type of fasting day strengthens bones and nails.

Potatoes – five times a day you can eat 300 grams of baked potatoes seasoned with olive oil. You will hardly feel hungry, and you will be protected against heart and kidney diseases.

Cucumbers – buy 1,5 kg cucumbers and 5 eggs. During each meal you can eat 300 g cucumbers and an egg.

Soup – you boil 1.5-2 liters vegetable soup. You can add cabbage as well. Eat the soup without bread. It will give you energy and you will not feel hungry.

Hunger – this day is not for everyone. In 24 hours you eat no food, you only drink lots of water. It is suitable for people with perfectly healthy organisms. And yet – first consult your doctor.

Salad – this fasting day is suitable for those who like variety. You can prepare a salad of all fruits and vegetables, but their total amount should not be more than 1.5 kg. Season them with olive oil and lemon juice. Such a diet protects against atherosclerosis, gout, chronic arthritis, osteoarthritis and kidney disease.

Get Slimmer for a Day – Here is the Way!

петък, 19 август 2011 г.

Pasta – is it good for a diet?

Pasta is low calorie. It is rich in proteins and when you consume it, you melt fats, not muscles. That is why pasta helps weight loss.

The case in point is the Italian pasta, of course. It is outrageously delicious and low-calorie. Do not turn off pasta from your dietary menu or you will miss a great assistant in weight loss.

Pasta is a type of paste products in various shapes that are one of the main characteristics of the Italian cuisine and are popular all over the world. There are two main categories of pasta – dry (without eggs) and fresh (with eggs). It is also divided into subcategories: rod-shaped pasta, pasta bars, tubular pasta, pasta and stuffed pasta shapes. In 18-19 century pasta was a food for ordinary people who consume it with hands. After the invention of forks, royalty also started to eat pasta without humiliating.

Italian diet is extremely effective – you can lose up to 4 pounds for 5 days. On top of this, the diet does not create a sense of hunger. Spaghetti that enters the Italian diet is seasoned with some dietary sauces:

Sauce with meat for spaghetti
Ingredients: 80g beef, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon tomato puree, 1 red pepper, 200ml vegetable stock, parsley and savory.

Preparation: Stew meat with vegetable oil and some water. When meat gets tender, you can add the tomato paste and finely chopped pepper. Pour in the broth and cook 5 minutes. Season it with parsley and savory.

Vegetarian spaghetti sauce
Ingredients: 60g yoghurt, 1 tablespoon of cream, 120 ml lemon juice, a bunch of basils.

Preparation: Mix yoghurt with the cream, lemon juice and chopped basil (crushed with a wooden spoon).

Mimosa dressing
Ingredients: 2 tablespoons yogurt, 3 tablespoons white wine, 2 tablespoons mayonnaise, 1 egg, 50 g white fish or crab rolls, lovage and dill.

Preparation: Mix the milk with wine and mayonnaise. Beat the egg and add it with a mild stirring to the sauce. Sprinkle on the top with boiled fish. Season it with dill and lovage.

Neapolitan sauce
Ingredients: 500g tomatoes, 2-3 cloves garlic, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, parsley, marjoram, pepper and salt.
Preparation: Fry chopped garlic. Add chopped tomatoes. All ingredients boil until they get soft. You season it at the end.

Cut 30g cheese “Feta” and put it on the pasta. Then pour the sauce.

Pasta is a great source of carbohydrate. Carbs are our primary energy source. In other words, your body burns them in preference to protein and fat as an energy supply.
Trouble is that most of us now have largely sedentary lives and don’t need all that energy.

100g of boiled pasta equals only 126 kcal and 1,3g fats. Besides, it’s perfect for energy and boosts up the secretion of happiness syndrome.

Pasta – is it good for a diet?

четвъртък, 18 август 2011 г.

Drinks That Should be Avoided During Your Diet

Drinks That Should be Avoided During Your Diet

Thu, Aug 18, 2011

Meal Replacement

If you are on a diet to lose weight, be careful with the drinks you have.

Choosing the right drinks improves metabolism, represses appetite and reduces the amount of calories. Here are some suggestions of drinks that should be avoided if one is on a diet.

First of all, avoid soft drinks. They are liquid that consists of water, sugar, color, flavor, sodium and carbon dioxide. Because of their sweet taste they are absorbed quickly and the body receives hundreds of unnecessary calorie and less nutrients.

Most of the soft drinks (especially cola, sodas, sparkling water, etc.) lead to obesity. You can at least count the calories in the soft drinks you consume – they are usually about 44 kcal per 100 ml. Bottle usually contains 250 ml or 500 ml. If you add an inappropriate drink to your main menu and the snacks, you will also add about 100 calories and you will not have the effect you want for your body.

Second, try to avoid the fruit juices. Just like the sodas, they contain a lot of calories – about 45 kcal per 100 ml. They say “Of two evils choose the lesser” and if you trust this saying you will choose having fruit juices instead of the soft drinks. They are definitely the lesser evil because there are also a number of nutrientsvitamins, antioxidants, flavonoids.

Drinks That Should be Avoided During Your Diet

The important question is how to benefit from juice without taking unnecessary sugar?

The only way is by choosing 100% natural juices. Look at the label of the drink before you buy it – there should not be added sugar. Actually the most appropriate drink whose consumption does not affect our weight is vegetable juice. It is rich in nutrients and low in sugar and calories. A glass of tomato juice, for instance, contains 41 calories less than about 4 sips of orange juice.

The third place is for the shakes. Homemade shakes are just as tasty, refreshing, enjoyable, and rich in calories as those in cafeterias. At home, at least you can control the amount of the added sugar. Shake is easy to prepare – the fruit (banana, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc.) is strained; you add milk until you achieve the desired consistency and then you just shake it up. All this, however, is not so low-calorie although it is homemade, but it is the lesser evil.

Water is the drink that any nutritionist will advise you to have while you are having a diet. The only liquid that can satisfy your thirst is water. Frequent sips of water can save you a bunch of unnecessary calories. Water has 0 calories.

Drink a glass of water when you feel hungry.

Water is one of the best tools for weight loss, first of all because it often replaces high-calorie drinks like soda and juice and alcohol with a drink that doesn’t have any calories. But it’s also a great appetite suppressant, and often when we think we’re hungry, we’re actually just thirsty. Water has no fat, no calories, no carbs, no sugar. Drink plenty to help your weight-loss regimen. Even when you do not feel thirst or hunger, it helps your body to have normal functioning of the metabolic processes.

If you get bored with drinking plain water change things up by adding lemon to your water. Just a tablespoon of lemon juice should be enough to make things interesting and give the water some flavor without adding a lot of sugar and calories.

How to Invest in Wine?

How to Invest in Wine?

Collecting wine is no longer a privilege of the super rich people.

Now, due to the search for investment opportunities in assets that are alternative to traditional stocks and bonds, people resort to a specific investment fund focused on trade in wine. This tendency, however, may take away the pleasure of drinking.

Investing in wines has been stimulated by the creation of the London International Wine Exchange (Liv-ex) in 1999, working as an informational and trading platform for traders of high quality wines. Now Liv-ex works with 270 merchants from 22 countries who trade anonymously.

How to invest in wine

How to invest in wine

“Mainly private investors and investment funds invest in wine”, says Justin Gibbs of Liv-ex.

“In the UK only private investors hold high quality wines for over $ 2 billion in bonds,” said the expert, adding that the market for quality wines reported $ 3 billion annually and the number is still growing.

In spite of Liv-ex, there are more work sites for wine trade all over the world, and they also reported growth these days.

According to the Wine Asset Managers LLP – WAM there are high expectations for long-term demand not only on the traditional markets but also on new markets such as China and the Far East. The supply of wine is specified as the growing areas are defined by law, and reserves reported decrease each time a bottle of wine was drunk.

While investors and specialized markets enjoy the growth, some winemakers complain that their wines become too expensive and connoisseurs can no longer afford to drink good wine. According to Gibbs, however, trade in wine may allow some people to accumulate enough profits to finance their hobby and sometimes to enjoy a bottle of quality wine.

Wine is a unique asset. Unlike other luxury goods like Rolex watches or cars Aston Martin, the supply of fine wine is fixed. If demand for Rolex or Aston Martin rises, than more cars can be produced. But excellent wines have a predetermined volume of production – when the vintage time is over, there cannot be planted more vineyards, and geographic regions are controlled by law.

For fine wines with investment grade are considered only the first 50 to 100 traded wines, although some experts included in the group only wines from wine-cellars in the Bordeaux area. Anyway, wine production is controlled and it cannot be increased on demand.

How to invest in wines

How to invest in wines

The supply of these top wines was unchanged for 200 years. But now their volume is smaller because of the quality control. Two centuries ago, “Rothschild” has produced 27 thousand cases a year, and now their production is 19 thousand cases.

Moreover, not every year the crops is suitable for wine with investment grade – only three or four of every 10 years give a rich harvest.

Unlike other alternative investments, the supply of past vintages invariably decreases. While the wine is in the bottle, the investment is constantly improving and the stock is continually decreasing because of the consumption.

Tight supply goes hand-in-hand with the constant demand. There have always been a strong appetite for fine wines in Europe and North America, but in the last five years came the Asian market appeared.

For beginners in wine investing the most reasonable thing would be to rely on the choice of experts. There are companies that produce portfolios depending on the money allocated to investment; they assess risk and timing of investment. Most wine merchants store and insure their wine and the annual fees for these services are depending on the size of the investment.

Another option for enthusiasts is to invest in trusts that hold fine wines instead of securities.

These are Wine Investment Fund or The Fine Wine Fund.

The Robert Atkins Diet

The Robert Atkins Diet

Thu, Aug 18, 2011

Healthy Diet, Low Carb Diet

Robert Atkins’ Diet or Atkins Nutritional Approach was created in 1972 after years of hard work and different studies in the area of healthy eating. What makes it different? Experts claim that it guarantees a long life and it also works for your soul.

Although Robert Atkins is a doctor, he is a defender of the alternative medicine. He wanted to create not only a healthy diet, but also a healthy way of life. “Lifestyle” defines this way of life as a composition of adjustments, habits, or subjects and situations connected with a particular group of people.

The lifestyle Dr Atkins offers is based on the word “balance”. Balance in everything you do. So the diet stakes on balanced eating. It is created to help you gain higher levels of energy, therefore you look physically better and this would create a feeling of a great prosperity. This is not a 10-day diet. It brings order, clarity and harmony in your life and in your relations with the world around you; a new model of behavior that you will respect all your life.

The Atkins Diet consists of four stages:

1. First phase – Induction. At this phase you limit the consumption of carbons to 20g per day, as you eat mainly salads and other vegetables with low levels of starch. Here is an example of a menu:

Breakfast: An omelette with avocado and tomatoes, a non-caffeine coffee with cream.

Lunch: A salad and roasted chicken meat at your choice.

Dinner: A salmon and spinach chateau with garlic.

2. Second phase – You increase the carbons to 25g during the first week, 30g during the second week and so on until you notice that you stopped losing weight. Then you continue removing 5g daily and when you notice that you start losing weight again, you keep to these grams daily in your menu.

3. Third phase – At this phase the loss of weight transforms to keeping up this weight. This happens when the weekly increase goes to 10g until you notice that the loss of weight remains steady.

4. Fourth phase – Now you can have more foods as long as you control the intake of carbons and keep to the grams that guarantee the optimal weight for you.

Your body needs energy to work normally. The carbohydrates and fats provide the fuel for the production of this energy. At first, body turns into energy the carbons. Every carbon overstock is saved in the body as a fat. When you reduce the carbons to a specific level, your body burns mainly the fats. At this period you can lose weight or save your optimal weight.

Not all of the carbons have a metabolic impact on the body. Dr Atkins has created the “Net Atkins Index” that shows which carbons influence on the levels of blood sugar. The carbons you should rely on are those you have during the diet. When one gains a perfect body, they will find out individually which is their personal index for carbon balance. And this would be approximately their “Net Atkins Index”. If one feeds according to this index, they stop feeling hungry and they can eat without losing or gaining weight.

Main Effects of the Atkins Diet

The effects of the Atkins diet remain a subject of much debate. Some studies conclude that theAtkins diet helps prevent cardiovascular disease, lowers the low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and increases the amount of HDL, or so-called “good” cholesterol. Some studies suggest that the diet could contribute to osteoporosis and kidney stones. A University of Maryland study, in which test subjects were given calorie increases whenever their weight started to drop, showed higher LDL cholesterol and markers for inflammation.


Low-carbohydrate diets have been the subject of heated debate in medical circles for three decades. They are still controversial and only recently has any serious research supported some aspects of Atkins’ claims, especially for short-term weight-loss. In a comparison study by Dansinger and colleagues (2005), the goal was to compare popular diets like Atkins, Ornish, Weight Watchers, and Zone for the amount of weight lost and a heart disease risk reduction. The weight, waist size, blood pressure, and a blood sample were taken, at the beginning, after 2 months, 6 months and 12 months. All four diets resulted in weight loss with no significant difference between the diets.

The Robert Atkins Diet