вторник, 26 юли 2011 г.

Original Caesar Salad

Original Caesar Salad
Recipe Type: Salad
Author: Healthy Recipes
Prep time: 20 mins
Cook time: 20 mins
Total time: 40 mins
Serves: 4
  • 2 large, crisp head romaine lettuce
  • 2 large cloves garlic
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 9 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 cups French bread cubes
  • 2 eggs
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese.
  1. For each serving select 6?8 whole leaves of romaine 3?7 inches long.
  2. Wash and dry very well.
  3. Refrigerate until needed.
  4. Put garlic through press and mix with 1/4 teaspoon of salt (1/2 of the total salt called for) and 3 tbls. of olive oil.
  5. Let sit for 10 minutes.
  6. Strain into a saute pan.
  7. Heat and add bread cubes, toss until coated and slightly browned.
  8. Remove from pan.
  9. Coddle eggs: Boil for one minute.
  10. Put romaine into bowl, and pour 4 tablespoons of olive oil over lettuce, toss.
  11. Add 1/4 teaspoon salt, 8 grinds of pepper and the rest of the olive oil and toss again.
  12. Add lemon juice, 6 drops of Worcestershire sauce and coddled eggs, toss.
  13. Add cheese and toss, then add croutons and toss.

Lettuce leaves are left whole, NOT cut.

Original Caesar Salad

неделя, 24 юли 2011 г.

Five Metals That Glitter Stronger Than Gold

Five Metals That Glitter Stronger Than Gold

Gold has always served as a life-belt and it rouses the interest of investors in bad financial times. The last few years are example for this and the panic stocking with gold is quite obvious. As a result, the goldachieves a number of records.

As a rule, investors resort to gold in order to find safety when risk positions are closed down and market’s perspectives are vague. This strategy, however, may turn out to be very dangerous.

Five Metals That Glitter Stronger Than Gold

Five Metals That Glitter Stronger Than Gold

When gold (or any other investment asset) becomes excessively popular destination for risky funds, there is a danger of a “bubble”. This means that prices have reached unstable high levels and a sudden shock may cause a market crisis and immediate loss of money.

This danger does not mean that you should avoid investing in gold. Just do not invest all your money in it. There are a lot of precious metals that can turn out to be a better investment because they are not observed by many investors.

1. Copper– it has a wide usage. It is used in construction, electronics, el cabling, production of pipes, accumulators, batteries, solar installations, music instruments, etc. It can also be mixed with other metals for making some expensive alloys such as bronze and brass. The demand of this metal increases with the stable economic periods and the progress in construction. Well, the economic now is quite unstable but it is not always going to be like that and we should keep an eye on the circulation of the copper.


Five Metals That Glitter Stronger Than Gold

2. Zinc – just like copper, zinc is used in making expensive alloys (zinc is a component of the bronze and brass as well). It is used for producing plant preparations; it participates in many diets because it has antioxidant and anti-age effect.


Five Metals That Glitter Stronger Than Gold

3. Silver – in spite of the famous usage in jewel industry and numismatics, the silver is used in many other areas such as stomatology, architecture and electronics. Some music instruments are made of silver or silver alloys. It is interesting that silver can be used in cosmetics and even in the production of socks because of its antiseptic properties. Many analysts believe that silver has a better potential for making profits because it is usually thought to be a life-belt right after gold and it is also a remedy for price-saving.


Five Metals That Glitter Stronger Than Gold

4. Platinum – it is mainly used as an industrial metal. It is also used as a catalyst for producing petroleum, chemicals and fertilizers. It is used for producing high-voltage conductors, hard disks and magnetic fields. Because of its usage jewellery it can be related to gold – it can serve as a defence against inflation, but platinum’s price is not as dynamic as the price of the gold.


Five Metals That Glitter Stronger Than Gold

5. Palladium – it takes part in stomatology and in chemical industry. It is widely used in automobile industry. In addition, high-tech products such as iPhone cannot exist without palladium. It is also known as “white gold” in jewellery, especially in the production of expensive watches. This leads to a stable demand and stable prices even at a moment of an economic crisis.


Five Metals That Glitter Stronger Than Gold

Five Metals That Glitter Stronger Than Gold

Five Metals That Glitter Stronger Than Gold

A Healthy Menu According to Your Blood Type

Blood Type Diet – Eat Right For Your Blood Type – Your healthy menu to your blood type.

The diet is different for everyone and it can be fixed according to one’s gene. Blood type is closely connected with eating. There are specific products for every blood type that can increase its vital power or the opposite – to affect it.

Blood Type Diet - Eat Right For Your Blood Type

Blood Type Diet - Eat Right For Your Blood Type

Blood Type 0

This is the first blood type we know, whose existence dates back to the Cro-Magnons according to the scientists. Nowadays it is still the most widespread blood type. People with blood type 0 have a strong immune and digestive system. Experts say that in antiquity people survived because of that although their main dish has been the raw meat. Here is the reason: there is a lot of stomach juice in the organism of a person with blood type 0 and it can drag out the top number of nutrients from the meat. These people have been called “hunters”.

Blood Type A

The immune system of people with this blood type dates back to 25-15 thousand years B.C. It helped people defeat infections, bacteria and diseases, spread among civilizations. Body’s necessity for proteins has been satisfied with cereal plants and fish. This is the reason why these people have been called “cultivators”.

Blood Type B

People with this blood type appeared between 15-10 thousand years B.C. They have been called “nomads”. They fed with milk and everything they found on their way. Their organisms are thought to be more tenacious and healthier because they managed to combine the qualities of the immune and digestive systems of both “hunters” and “cultivators”.

Blood Type AB

According to the history of human race only 3 blood types have existed until 10-15 centuries when blood type AB appeared. It is rare to find it even nowadays. It has been called a “mystery” because the reasons for its appearance are unknown to science. One of the theories is that the blood type did not evolved completely and this was a necessary thing. It has been found that in the content of the erythrocytes are included substances that make them glue together and these are called hemaglutinogenes. They are divided into A and B.

The substances in all blood types determine the blood type of a person. For example, there are no such substances in the erythrocytes of blood type 0, in the erythrocytes of blood types A and B there is 1 substance, and in the erythrocytes of blood type AB – 2 substances.

If you have blood type AB you should combine the recommendations for the rest of the types. Vegetarian food and less meat and dairy products are recommended.

Knowing your blood type can help you loose weight!

Knowing your blood type can help you loose weight!

What should we eat according our blood type?


  • Blood type 0 – No limits;
  • Blood type A – Chicken should be consumed rarely and not as a main dish; soy-bean albumen is recommended;
  • Blood type B – Chicken is counter-indicative;
  • Blood type AB – Meat should be consumed in little portions.


  • Blood type 0 – No limits;
  • Blood type A – Avoid fish with white meat – white fish, heck, paltus, fluke;
  • Blood type B – Avoid mollusca;
  • Blood type AB – Avoid mollusca and white fish.

Dairy products and eggs

  • Blood type 0 – Cheese is not recommended and you can eat eggs 3-4 time a week;
  • Blood type A – All dairy products are not recommended; perhaps small amounts of yogurt, cream, sometimes eggs;
  • Blood type B – No limits;
  • Blood type AB – Yogurt, cream.


  • Blood type 0 – In spite of the wheat, the oat flakes should be avoided;
  • Blood type A – Reduce the cereals, especially wheat;
  • Blood type B – It is better to avoid rye and corn;
  • Blood type AB – Reduce corn and wheat.


  • Blood type 0 – Avoid cabbage, mushrooms, potatoes and aubergines;
  • Blood type A – Avoid tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, corn;
  • Blood type B – Remove tomatoes and corn from your menu;
  • Blood type AB – Remove tomatoes.


  • Blood type 0 – Avoid watermelons, oranges, strawberries and tangerines;
  • Blood type A, B, AB– Avoid oranges and bananas.

Blood Type Diet – Eat Right For Your Blood Type – Your healthy menu to your blood type.

A Healthy Menu According to Your Blood Type