четвъртък, 21 юли 2011 г.

The Healing Properties of Spices

The Healing Properties of Spices

It turned out that spices we use daily while cooking our dishes have some healing properties – they load human body with nutrients. So if you allow your kitchen to be the most important room in your house, then your spice cabinet would become your medicine cabinet. You can use spices for cooking, drinking as a tea or even as a compress. If you spend some time investigating this natural healing method, you will be amazed by the natural healing abilities of spices and the many benefits they offer for your body.

The healing properties of spices

The healing properties of spices

If you take for example the cinnamon, it has been shown to lower glucose levels in our bodies, as well as triglycerides and LDL cholesterol. You will feel the difference if you take just a half teaspoon a day.

You will resort to spices if you are aware enough with the deficiencies in you bodies.

Thanks to magnesium deficiency, for instance, one feels tired and easy to irritate. Your fingers and toes start tingling and inner restlessness appear. Your heartbeat is disturbed and sometimes there are symptoms of migraine and hair loss. The greatest amount of magnesium can be found in the fennel, cumin, mustard seeds and coriander.

With a shortage of potassium person has memory impairment, his wounds difficult to heal, a sense of irritation if not nice, develops caries limbs freeze and produces an effect of insecurity in themselves. Large amount of potassium contained in Chile.

The lack of calcium leads to diseases of the teeth and bones. This element is necessary to avoid destroying the nervous system and muscles. Calcium can get some with the use of spices – cumin, coriander and cloves.

The healing properties of spices

The healing properties of spices

Iron deficiency leads to characteristic weakness and pallor. These are signs pertaining to anemia. Most have a large amount of iron in the cumin, turmeric, saffron, cinnamon.

Deficiency of iodine leads to thyroid disease. To avoid such complications, we can use in your food more turmeric. With its help make prevention of this type of disease.

Vitamin C reduces efficiency and leads to bleeding and falling of teeth. In Chile, contains vitamin C from two to five times more than in lemons. Chile in quantity and concentration of vitamins can compete only clove and ginger.

Vitamin B1 deficiency leads to disturbances of nerve function. This vitamin is essential for the proper utilization of carbohydrates. The greatest concentration is in the mustard seeds.

Vitamin B2 deficiency leads to inflammation of the mucous membranes and eyes. Distort the processes of drawing blood. Large quantity contained in saffron, chilli and fennel.

Lack of vitamin A occurs with dry eyes and reduced vision. This vitamin is important for the process of growth and physical development. Highest is content in cloves and cinnamon.

The Healing Properties of Spices

The Healing Properties of Spices

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