Succeeding with Article Marketing
Finding real success with article marketing is all about knowing how to create a strong foundation for all your articles in the first place. Every article you publish that is meant to be a marketing tool needs to be geared towards generating the highest possible conversion rates…
The Best Amount: There is absolutely no way of knowing the magic number of articles that will give you great results when you are using article marketing. But you should also understand that along with quality, you should strive to produce more and more articles with time. If you want your article marketing to generate good results, then you need to publish as many articles as possible. You have a better chance of making a good impact if you regularly create and submit lots of articles. Your focus should be on offering value, which is why the quality of your articles shouldn’t suffer in your quest to write as many as possible.
Focus on the Title: If you want to run a successful article marketing campaign, you should know the value of writing good titles with great titles. If you can’t get people to read your work because your headlines are poor then everything you are doing is pointless because your campaign will still fail. It doesn’t really matter what kind of niche you’re creating your articles for, as long as you’re able to get your potential readers interested enough to click through and read your articles, half of your battle is won. You need to give your readers a strong reason to read your article, and that won’t happen unless and until you focus on creating an effective title. Make people curious, add your keywords and be direct – this is the tried and true formula that you should be using to create an amazing headline each and every time.
Outsourcing is the Answer: Leveraging outsourcing is the only way to maximize your results fromarticle marketing while being able to focus on other tasks. You can have hundreds of articles all over the web without the need to do any of the work yourself by simply finding some good writers who are willing to write great articles for you at a decent price. Instead of spending all your time creating articles for your marketing campaigns, you will be able to focus on developing your internet business. You can easily outsource your article writing to top notch writers by using freelance sites such as and – this is how you can actually get great results outsourcing all your content generation work, and get it done at a throwaway rate. If you have never outsourced before, you should be careful and watch how other people do it so you can do things right the first time. Ensure that you have analyzed someone’s samples before you choose them for a job, so don’t rush into it.
Track Your Progress: You have to keep track of your progress if you want to ensure that you keep moving forward because otherwise you won’t have the information you need to improve your plan. How far and fast you progress depends largely on how well you understand yourself and how far you are willing to push yourself. You can design a daily report that will show you what errors you have made so far but also how far you have moved forward. Once you have mastered daily reports, you can then start on monthly and weekly ones which will give you an even clearer view of where you are.
Research Keywords Effectively: If you haven’t researched your keywords effectively, then don’t expect your article marketing campaign to find any form of success. Knowing that the majority of your traffic is going to be generated from Google and other major search engines, you should do whatever you can to ensure that you’re focusing on the right keywords when writing your articles.
The keywords that you choose to write your articles around should be targeted and at the same time should have the potential to generate some good traffic to your website. The best place to start is with the Google AdWords Keyword Tool if you have little experience with keyword research because it offers the best results and is easy to use.
Succeeding with Article Marketing
Focus on the Resource Box: The more people that click through to your site from your articles, the more successful you can consider your article marketing campaign to be, so to generate a better response you need to create a better resource box. The resource box isn’t there for you to extol your virtues so don’t make that mistake. You want to provide information on your offer so that readers will want to know more and will click through to your site. A good idea is to weave in the resource box into the article, so that it becomes an extension of it. You will generate much better results because people will continue reading since it all looks like one piece and won’t be tempted to skip the resource box. You want to create articles that give off a good vibe and make people feel good, showing people how you care about them enough to connect with them.
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