сряда, 3 август 2011 г.

Kidney Stones – Identifying the Symptoms

Kidney Stones – Identifying the Symptoms

Many people have kidney stones at some point in their lives, and it’s a problem that can have many symptoms. Milder cases may have few if any symptoms, but if you have larger stones you can be in quite a bit of pain. This article will explore some of the more common symptoms of kidney stones, and all of these should be taken seriously.

Identifying the Symptoms of Kidney Stones

Identifying the Symptoms of Kidney Stones

Sometimes you may experience kidney stone symptoms and your doctor will tell you that they’ll pass on their own. You should consider even the smallest kidney stones, however, as a warning sign that you have to pay attention to your lifestyle and diet. One of the most important things to do is to consume large amounts of fluids, especially pure water.

During this time, you can treat any symptoms with pain killers or other medicines your doctor recommends. Once you’ve had a problem with kidney stones, you should always make sure you eat a healthy diet and get regularexercise, as this will make it less likely that you’ll have kidney stones in the future. It does seem that men are more prone to developing this condition than women. The low back region and on the sides is where the signs usually take place for men. There is a whole host of problems including fevers accompanied by nausea and even passing blood with urine. Naturally, this is quite serious mandating medical intervention, and then the method of treatment will be determined by testing. The people most likely to have stones are middle aged men, and older, who have had them before or have a family history of kidney stones.

The trade-off with women and kidney stones is it happens less, but making the diagnosis is not as clear cut. Menstruation is what can sometimes cause a misdiagnosis as the painful areas are the same. Kidney stones are even harder to diagnose in women who have other conditions that can cause similar symptoms, such as ovarian cysts. This pain is so unusual and extreme that a call to the doctor is necessary, right away.



The plant was first found in Japan, and was adopted into the Chinese medicine system as it has some amazing medical properties. If you want to grow one, it seems that they are relatively easy to grow and prefer to have lily-of-the-valley as companions. Historically they have been used to reduce fevers, help stop coughs, as an expectorant, as a diuretic for gout sufferers and to disperse stones and gravel in the kidneys. The whole plant is antiphlogistic (inflamation-reducing), antipyretic (fever-reducing), antitussive (cough-suppressing); and expectorant (phelgm-promoting-kind of like Mucinex). The leaves themselves have been used to prevent fever (febrifuge), to promote early labor, and to treat malaise from malaria, for weak or anaemic people. Historically, it was used to treat gravel and Lithiasis (kidney-stone like conditions), fever and gout.

For many, kidney stones are troublesome, you can experience many different symptoms that mimic other conditions in either case it’s important to seek medical attention. While many cases can be treated with simple changes in eating habits the more severe cases do require medical attention. The above symptoms are indications of kidney stones and should not be ignored especially if you are susceptible or think you might have them.

Kidney Stones - Identifying the Symptoms

Kidney Stones – Identifying the Symptoms

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