сряда, 3 август 2011 г.

How To Determine That You Have High Blood Pressure

How To Determine That You Have High Blood Pressure

Everyone should be aware of the common symptoms and risk factors for high blood pressure, due to the fact that many suffer from this problem without knowing what it is. Regardless of whether you show symptoms or not, it is wise to have your blood pressure checked on a regular basis. Don’t wait until you have a serious problem to have this checked, as most people do. The following symptoms of high blood pressure are ones that you may or may not experience if you have hypertension.

How To Determine That You Have High Blood Pressure

How To Determine That You Have High Blood Pressure

It’s possible that you will be diagnosed with something called prehypertension, an illness that doesn’t usually have specific or particular symptoms. This only means that you have blood pressure that is a bit higher than usual but hasn’t yet grown into hypertension. Nobody likes to hear bad news from his or her doctor but this news is usually considered to be good news because, when you get diagnosed with prehypertension, you should still be able to do something about it before it gets more serious. Your doctor might tell you that you need medication or that you need to change your lifestyle but there are a lot of natural remedies that you can use to lower your blood pressure before it gets to be too serious.

Blurred vision is a symptom of high blood pressure that can be very serious because it could also be a sign ofkidney issues or diabetes. Aside from having your blood pressure checked, it’s a good idea to get regular eye exams. While tracking your eye issues is important, it is also important to have these exams because they can let you know if you have other health problems too. If you have blurry vision you should have both your eyes and blood pressure checked as soon as possible. This is a symptom that should not be ignored, as it indicates that your blood pressure may be at a dangerously high level.

How To Determine That You Have High Blood Pressure

Categories for Blood Pressure Levels in Adults (measured in millimeters of mercury, or mmHg)

(top number)
(bottom number)
NormalLess than 120AndLess than 80
High blood pressure
Stage 1140–159Or90–99
Stage 2160 or higherOr100 or higher

The ranges in the table apply to most adults (aged 18 and older) who don’t have short-term serious illnesses.

One potential symptom of high blood pressure is the sound of ringing in your ears which is called tinnitus. Tinnitus can happen in many ways and there are lots of causes for it besides high blood pressure. If you have a persistent case of tinnitus, you should have it checked by your doctor, as it may indicate high blood pressure or another disorder. Most of the time tinnitus isn’t caused or related to anything in particular and there are lots of different treatments that can be done which is incredibly annoying. It is incredibly important that you make sure that your tinnitus is not the result of high blood pressure because that condition needs to be treated as quickly as possible.

High blood pressure that is ignored is more likely to lead to life threatening health problems. It is easy enough to treat if caught early, so be sure to check your blood pressure often. Since high blood pressure is one of the leading health problems in the world today, it is important to know these symptoms we have discussed.

High blood pressure in pregnancy

Hypertension in pregnant women is one symptom of pre-eclampsia. Pre-eclampsia can progress to a life-threatening condition called eclampsia, which is the development of protein in the urine, generalized swelling, and severe seizures. Other symptoms indicating that brain function is becoming impaired may precede these seizures such as nausea, vomiting, headaches, and vision loss.

In addition, the systemic vascular resistance and blood pressure decrease during pregnancy. The body must compensate by increasing cardiac output and blood volume to provide sufficient circulation in the utero-placental arterial bed.

High blood pressure in children

Some signs and symptoms are especially important in newborns and infants such as failure to thrive, seizures, irritability, lack of energy, and difficulty breathing. In children, hypertension can cause headache, fatigue, blurred vision, nosebleeds, andfacial paralysis.

Even with the above clinical symptoms, the true incidence of pediatric hypertension is not known. In adults, hypertension has been defined due to the adverse effects caused by hypertension. However, in children, similar studies have not been performed thoroughly to link any adverse effects with the increase in blood pressure. Therefore, the prevalence of pediatric hypertension remains unknown due to the lack of scientific knowledge.

Blood pressure tends to rise with age.

Following a healthy lifestyle helps some people delay or prevent this rise in blood pressure. People who have HBP can take steps to control it and reduce their risk of related health problems. Key steps include following a healthy lifestyle, having ongoing medical care, and following your treatment plan.

How To Determine That You Have High Blood Pressure

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