Sweet Cherries Diet
Sweet Cherries DietIf your summer vacation is nearing failure, because you can not log in bathing, do not despair and go on the market. There were stalls full of juicy red fruits – strawberries, cherries, duke. It is these smaller allies can mold your figure for the week. How? As Eat a kilo and a half of selected fruit and forget about everything else. Sweet cherries are the most preferred diet. Although they are most calories (100 grams contains 64 calories), weight loss occurs. The secret is in moderate portions, which are borne in several hours six times a day. Fibers swell in the stomach and creating a sense of satiety with portion that is collected in a handful. The body does get enough vitamins and minerals to cope with daily tasks.
Cherries are high in antioxidants, help reduce the risk of cancer, inflammatory problems, and heart disease. They are low in fat, calories, and have a high water content. Cherries are a great addition to meals; they complement almost any sweet or savory dish.
Cherries also contain high levels of nutrients such potassium, and beta-carotene – suitable for any diet.
Cherries are rich in vitamin C and carotene are potent antioxidants and give a tone and mood. Carotene is converted to vitamin A and is essential for maintaining good vision. Scarlet fruits contain lots of minerals – iron, calcium and others. Warning!During the diet drink more water and tea – 2-3 liters per day. The reason is that cherries acting diuretic and body loses water. The diet is not suitable for people with serious chronic illnesses – diabetes, stomach disorders, cardiovascular problems.You must be strong to resort to deprivation of food for more than 3 days, warn nutritionists. They advise those who are in the group at appropriate monodietata, listen to your body. If you feel excessive weakness and frustration, to break the diet. It is not necessary at all costs to endure seven days of cherries if you do not have to bear now. Because there are times when your body feels overtired of business tasks, lack of sleep, lack of breaks relaxing in nature. Then you better diet filled with a short break. Here gentle scheme – 3 days of cherries week off at a light meal (salads, soups, dairy products, fish, cereals, muesli) and again four days of fruit menu.Remember that during the cleansing should not drink alcohol and coffee. If you smoke, it is advisable to forget cigarettes. This will enable the body to rid itself of toxins. Some people feel so toned that after fruit scheme does not revert to bad habits. During the landing, however, try to move more to help the body’s metabolism.Most suitable walk in the park, quickly walking to the office light exercise in the morning before breakfast. Swimming is also reflected fantastic tone – after swimming you feel that you can fly. Remember that after dietary supply rate must be very careful.Stomach should adopt different categories of food gradually. During the first day after the restrictive regime include other fruit, and the next day – boiled carrots without fat.On the third day eat vegetable soup with potatoes with lemon and parsley, the fourth – a dairy food. Gradually integrated into the daily menu, beans, rice, eggs, fish.
Those who do not fall for diets may take the day off in the cocktail of strawberries and wine or other suitable alcohol. Researchers from Kasetsart University in Thailand and the Department of Agricultural Research in the U.S. found that the degree drinks help to enhance the antioxidant action of tempting fruits and guard against heart disease and cancer. The researchers cautioned their findings should not be misunderstood.Damage from alcohol abuse will not be pinned if they eat strawberries during razpivkata.
Handles scarlet fruits have a healing effect. Problems with kidneys after cold tea from them directly balm for them. Handful green stalk put in 700 ml hot water and let them over low heat 5 minutes. Express opens as cool. Healing fluid taken 3 times a day half hour before meals. Green stalk combine well with other herbs. When inflammation of the kidney dishes (pyelitis) recommended tea Bearberry, field horsetail, rosehips, corn-haired and finely chopped cherry stems (50 d). The herbs are boiled 5 min in 1 liter of water. Potion strain as cool, add 2 tablespoons of honey. Drink one cup half an hour after meals.
Cousin of cherries – sour cherries, help with colds and rheumatism. The effect is due to the fact that the tart little fruits contain salicylic acid. They are rich in citric and malic acids, which on the one hand, open your appetite on the other helps the absorption of food. So a handful of cherries or duke before meals is a good starter. Sour cherries have a laxative effect and are recommended for people with lazy stomach. They are suitable for the treatment of liver and kidney disease, anemia.
There are only 4 calories in one cherry and one cup of cherries is only 74 calories. Cherries are low in fat, and have a high-water content. Research has shown that increasing water consumption will boost energy levels and increase metabolism. Besides their high nutrition value, cherries are extremely diet friendly.
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